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A Minor Bug Report

to [email protected]
date Jul 2, 2007 6:35 PM
subject iMovie crashes
mailed-by gmail.com

I didn’t know exactly which channel to go through so here is my bug report.

iMovie crashes after you’ve been working for 5 and a half hours saving every 15 minutes and then overwrites your saved project with some garbled mess that looks like it might be from 3 1/2 hours earlier but inserts random pieces from later on in the project. It does this 30 minutes before you’re suppose to show it to a large group of people who were waiting to see the finished project.

Oh yeah, and after it crashes(because the project is over a gig maybe?) it makes you feel super-depressed.

Let me know if there is a fix that doesn’t invovle razor blades and my wrists.

Thanks a lot


A Minor Bug Report
Posted Monday, July 2, 2007
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