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An Exciting Business Opportunity

Do you have dreams?

I know I do.

That’s why I’m here to let you in on the ground floor of an exciting opportunity! Is it lucrative? Could be! Will you definitely become super rich really fast? Obviously!

Most investment opportunities require you to sign up before you even find out what you’re investing in! This is simply not the case with my super lucrative, happy fun time, once in a life time chance, opportunity!

But Dan! What is this Opp-or-tunity of which you speak!?

I’m glad you asked! let me tell you about it

It all started a little more than a week ago. I was eating lunch at Panda Express with some co-workers and, as usual, got a fortune cookie. Little did I know the Magical power that I was about to unleash. For you see, when I cracked open that cookie I found my fortune. Not only did I find a fortune but I am ready to share it with you.

This was my fortune:

The Rundown

Here’s the rundown, obviously this fortune cookie is saying that I will be coming into a fortune soon. As of yet, I have not discovered this fortune and it could have a huge monetary value. I would like to do you, the consumer, a favor though. I want to help you get in on the ground floor

Rather than just selling my fortune to a single person I’m selling stock in my fortune. One thousand shares will be issued, each worth a dollar, redeemable for the percentage value of the fortune that I come into.

Let me break that down for you.

The Breakdown

If you invest $10 and my fortune ends up being worth a million (hardly a fortune these days) You will make One Thousand Dollars ($990 profit). That’s a 1000% return! There are some extra terms and stipulations of course (you’ll learn the rules after you sign up).

Been Burned Before by Get Rich Schemes?

Let’s get one thing clear, this is not a scheme! It bares no resemblance to a pyramid. It doesn’t require your social security number (just your credit card and possibly some blood). I understand that some of you may have been burned before. But unlike other “so called” investments and get rich quick schemes, this investment strategy has never been tried before. It’s a totally fresh, new way of looking at making money.

This isn’t just a once in a life time chance, this is a once in forever chance to get in on something big! Something very big!

E-mail me your monies.

UPDATE: Read the follow up to this Exciting business opportunity.

An Exciting Business Opportunity
Posted Wednesday, September 12, 2007
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