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Baby Fetus Orgy

Ha! Gotcha! With a title like that everyone has to read this post and once more they know it!

With my oft perusing of the interwebs I’ve begun to feel like a traveler swapping tales for “one more meal” and scaring children with stories that start “I once saw….” This time I can start the story with “I still see…”; fore the image is still burned in my retinas; imprinted on my occipital lobes. And soon, so shall it be on yours.

Behold in all it’s hideous freakishness the baby counter. Some may say “Awww, cute fetus!” But these people would be wrong. Because what happens the next day with the online uterus? It multiplies. What was once a single spawn becomes two. This is, by the way, my favorite part of the baby counter. The more babies in the generator the higher the chance that the baby counter will yield a multi-cultural brood.

Despite the menacing online incubator I have to say that this is very forward thinking of them. Why shouldn’t a single woman blessed with decaplets include not just white babies, but black babies too? We could call this “Affirmative Uter-related action”

As Homer Simpson says “It’s Uterus not Uteryou.” That means women need to learn to share

Two you might think, labeling benignly what should be seen as a menace. Think about it, if it only takes one day for the baby to expand, what might happen after, say, ten days.

Look at all them multi-colored baby fetuses. At least they’re spreading the multi-cultural sexually deviant love. Way to go babycounter.

Baby Fetus Orgy
Posted Thursday, August 23, 2007
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