Going to France
I’ve been thinking about getting back to France for a little while now. I’m looking at an English teaching assistant job. I thought that I could get in and do it for the fall semester and be back for christmas next year but that’s not an option. Here are the options:
All of them start the first of October 2007 and go for at least 6 months. Here are the levels I’d be working with along with the end date:
Kids 8-11 – End:30 June 2008
Teens: 11-18 – End:30 April 2008
College: 21+ – End:31 Feb 2008
I’m debating whether or not I want to do this because it would effectively wipe out two semesters; which who knows whether or not I would be in school anyway. It’s not really in my hands.
I’d like to do the kids one because I would really enjoy that but it goes, at least, into april. The one I would least likely want to do is College but it ends in Feburary. At anyrate spring semester is out of the question.
There is also the question of a job, Sewelldirect has been awesome and I don’t see how I could have a better job anywhere else. I don’t know if they would let me leave and come back like that.
So, if I want to do this I need my application sent in by the 1st of January. Feel free to let me know what you think, that is why I’m posting this.