My Ninja Dojo Attacks
I’ve been reading some of my journal entries from when I was in high school and found a gem. The entry is recreated here, word for word. Enjoy.
FBI ninja relations | Nov. 24th, 2002 @ 12:01 am |
Lastnight I learned some lessons.
It started out innocently enough. i convinced james it would be funny to dress up as ninja’s then to go into safeway and king soopers to read magazines and look at greeting cards. It was funny, people just look and then laughed. I mean, 2 ninja’s comparing mothersday cards and reading about kung-fu monthy is pretty funny. So we were just going around to all the diffrent stores. We figured if we stayed too long the cops might get called. So we’d gone to like 5 diffrent kingsoopers and safeway locations wihtout any trouble. No one cares and they just laugh. So then we goto the one on Wads. We head into safeway and read some magazines, Standard op. No one shows up so we decide to leave after 2-3 minutes. As we’re walking out and right as we enter a parking lot a guy behind us says “hold it right there fellas” I figure safeway security. I aint stopping for safeway sercurity, so I goto my car, BAD move. The guy is taking down the license plate so I drive up to him and say hey buddy whats the problem? He responds with a “well first thing” PULLS A GUN “put your hands where I can see ’em!” When he first pulled it I thought “wow, over zealous safeway security with a pellet gun” so I let out a short laugh while james puts his hands on the dash. The guy is still standing there so I put my hands ont he dash. He then says “hold up here for my partner” I look over to see a big dark blue suburban pull up infront of my car. Keep in mind that we are both still in ninja garb. So I say “who are you? Safeway security or the police or what?” “uhh..police” So we go through the process of getting us out of the car. I get frisked by the partner while james gets his hood revoked from the first guy. I ask the partner who he is and he doesnt say anything. He just pulles out a wallet and shows up one of those FBI cards, followed by turning it over to show his badge. I respond with an “oh…” and let the FBI guys handle it. They said they’d just call the police and let them handle it. so the police got there, called our parents and told us not to be such big idiots in the future. darn FBI.
Current Mood:
Current Music: fight club sound track