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New theme!

So I’ve been a lot of talk about my new theme latley, the one I’ve been working on secretly in my spare time, under my bed with the doors locked, windows firmly shut and blankets tightly surrounding my location.

Secrecy has been of the up most important as I’ve worked.

I’m very near completion but I’ve hit some snags along the way. Number one my server is @#$@’n messed up I’ve been wrestling with permissions for like 4 days now, It’s driving me insane. I can’t even say how many hours I’ve wasted with that. The second problem is that I finally got a mock-up of the new design together on a working wordpress blog and it looked like…way too awesome soo awesome that I’ll need to re-export all the images and rewrite a bunch of my stylesheet for it to be viewable by mere mortals.

I’d show you a screen shot but my permissions are still so messed up I can’t even upload images! My server is so secure that not even I can do a damn thing on it.

New theme!
Posted Sunday, June 24, 2007
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