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My New Hobby

Anyone who has heard of usenet or hasn’t thinks it’s some kind of mythical place; much like the internet is to seniors. Seniors say things like

I read that on the google!

I used to say “I saw it on the internet” and no more questions were asked, but now people want links and addresses and references! It’s worse than wikipedia.

My new strategy is to just say “oh yeah, it was all over the Usenet” then people won’t ask for links and references, it will just understood that it came from the land beyond and is not to be trifled with

My New Hobby
Posted Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Some Shoe Love

I’ve been tell’in a buddy of mine that I was going to write about his blog for a long time. So now I finally will.

Shoes of the Day is run by a completely heterosexual male who really likes shoes. I have laughed at 4 of his last 5 posts so check it out. Shoe lovers especially should find it in the very least interesting.

Some Shoe Love
Posted Monday, January 14, 2008

Non-sequitur from me

When I was a kid

I used to think a lot about the future. On TV they showed that wars in the future would be fought with laser guns.

Logically, that meant that instead of using kevlar or whatever body armor we use today we’d have to use mirrors. Obviously, mirrors are the only thing that could deflect a powerful laser. This meant that soldiers would wear mirror armor.

I realized how lame it would look compared to the combat apparel of the day and immediately prayed that laser guns would never become the weapon of choice.

So far, so good.

Non-sequitur from me
Posted Thursday, January 3, 2008

Advanced Scripts to make life better

I was inspired by a script I found on userscripts today. The script makes it easy to block comments from users on Matt Cutt’s blog. I got to thinking, that’s great for when Im reading Matt Cutt’s blog but what about when Im reading someone else blog? Or maybe another website?

Introducing an Advanced Script

After writing a script to create free energy and another one to automagically fill up my bank account with other people’s money I figured I could write a really great script to filter out stupid comments.

First I started off with a black list of words, “duh”, “as anybody knows”, “nazis” and “obviously you haven’t” all made the top of the list. Then I built a comparison engine to compare the surrounding content with related words in google scholar and wikipedia. I figure if someone said it in google scholar and wikipedia it must be awesome good.

After comparing the content on the page the comparison engine checks to see if anyone has ever said something similar in youtube comments.

All this data is fed as data into SETI@Home (getting rid of comment spam is probably more important that finding white noise) and a detailed report is filed and using all the data along with some more trade secret variables each comment is given a point value, 1 being absolutely important and 10 being a comment on youtube absolute drivel.

The user then sets their tolerance ratio and is free to speedily read through comments.

But there was a problem

Now, I’m opening up development to the community because I need help. My system, awesome as it is, seems to work a little too well. All the comments on digg are flagged at a 10, user forums are desolate wastelands with few surviving comments. Actually, the script also appears to flag all the content on livejournal and if you try to goto myspace all you get is a blank page!

The only sites that do seem to work correctly are slashdot and any site not in english. Oh, except no sites in French have been left unblocked.

My design appears to be perfect and I can’t find out what’s wrong. I posted on a development forum about my problem but no one responded…or they did and the script blocked them. I don’t know.

I’ll release the code shortly to see if making this project open source can bring it to completion.

Advanced Scripts to make life better
Posted Friday, December 14, 2007

Police Brutality?

This video of a utah cop tasing a motorist has been a hot button issue lately and has shown a lot of confusion over what your rights are and aren’t. I’m interested to hear everyone’s perspective on this one.

Problems laws “broken”

Does not have Miranda rights read to him
This kid asks quite a few times to have his Miranda rights read to him but doesn’t seem to know much about the law. Miranda rights or a Miranda warning is only required to be mentioned in the event that the Police officer is interrogating someone. Wikipedia has a whole section on the misconceptions on Miranda rights. “On the side of the road” is in fact not the place to have your rights read to you.

The officer never tells him he is under arrest!
Actually, as is my understanding, an officer doesn’t have to tell you that you’re under arrest (even though this officer does) and then he has to give a reason, as per Habeous Corpus. In fact you’re not under arrest when an Officer tells you to but you are under arrest when you are no longer free to leave.

Unlawful search!
I don’t have a reference from this one but I’m pretty sure that once you’re under arrest your immediate property is fair game. They have to search you for obvious reasons and then I think he had reasonable suspicion to search the car. Maybe he was going back for a gun, whatever. At anyrate the officer hands over the “vehicle” to his wife which probably means that it was temporarily the officer’s to look through.

He never tells the motorist how much he was speeding
At this point I think what he was speeding was irrelevant. He wasn’t arrested for speeding, he was arrested for disobeying a lawful order. His arrest has nothing to do with speeding other than the fact that he wouldn’t sign the ticket.

Beyond that his ticket must have had a speed on it because you can’t even get a speeding ticket without a speed written on it. If you did the court would have no idea how to punish you or what class of violation it is. Quickest way out of a ticket ever.

What I think

It seems to me that the police officer was fully within his right to taser this dude and arrest him. At which point would anyone with half a brain think it’s a good idea to walk away from a cop when he is telling you to stop?

I’m all about sniffing out police brutality and I think we’ve seen it quite a few times on youtube but this doesn’t see to be a case of police brutality.

To the motorist’s defense

When the motorist tells the police officer that he will not sign the ticket and that first they will go have a look at the sign the police officer says “alright, get out of the vehicle”. The officer intends to put him under arrest at that point for not signing the ticket. The motorist seems to think they’re going to go look at the sign but then disregards the police officer’s warnings.

So, what do you think?

Police Brutality?
Posted Monday, November 26, 2007

OS X Leopard – Things Apple should fix

I had really high hopes for 10.5.1, the first patch, for Leopard. I assumed it would fix all the little problems I’ve noticed since upgradding from Tiger (10.4). The patch was great fixing some really important problems. But it didn’t fix very many of my problems. In fact, I was hoping that Leopard was going to fix problems that I had in Tiger but alas, this was not the case. Not entirely anyway.

List of bugs/”fixes”

  • Hidden networks don’t auto-rejoin 80% of the time
  • Mail smart folders don’t really work 100% of the time
  • Multiscreen support is still lame
  • Firefox hangs*
  • Safari still doesn’t support plugins
  • Power Management still has a ways to go
  • iChat is cool and sucks in all of the wrong ways
  • Changing icons is harder than ever!

Hidden networks don’t auto-rejoin 80% of the time

Like any responsible wireless user I make sure that my network is as secure as possible, that means a good encryption (nothing WEP) and not broadcasting your SSID. Leopard doesn’t pick up hidden networks automatically, even when they’re on your preferred network list. I guess I could start broadcasting my SSID (it’s not the most essential security anyway) but I shouldn’t have to downgrade.

Mail smart folders don’t really work 100% of the time

I have three or four smart folders that simply refuse to pick anything up, I’ve double checked the settings and the filters but it doesn’t matter because they won’t ever find any mail…at all.

Multiscreen support is still lame

In Tiger there was a glitch where trying to zoom while using multiple monitors would yield dubious results, the screen would jump around and move randomly like a possessed mongoloid mouse moving powers.

I figured it would be fixed in Leopard and it was…sort of…actually instead of fixing it they just turned magnification off altogether while using multiple screens.

Since when did fixing a bug mean turning a feature off completely?!

Update:Turns out this was an error with trying to zoom while suing synergy and a mouse from another machine. (Mac in client mode) Works fine ont he track pad or with a plugged in mouse.

The other thing that’s missing is a decent option for having the menu bar on both screens. If Im doing some work in office (neooffice the OO alternative) and I need to get something out of the menu it means going to a different screen to select the menu bar. Thats a pain.

All in all, multi-screen support is still pretty good and years ahead of anyone else. You can easily choose different desktops and screen savers which is rad.

Firefox hangs*

This really isn’t Leopard’s fault. Firefox is quickly becomming crap on any platform. Its hard to say because I’ve been a big supporter of Firefox since it’s debut but this memory leak business is getting ridiculous. The other day it was up to 1.21 GBs!!! Like I said, this doesn’t really have anything to do with leopard but I get beachballs when loading new tabs or saving something that stop me from doing anything else. Talk about irritating. Which brings me to my next point

Safari still doesn’t support plugins

Safari is a great browser, a lot more light weight than firefox and it doens’t seem to have any rendering issues unfourtunatly it also doesn’t support plugins officially. Sure you can hack it to make plugins work and you can hack it for quick searches but I shouldn’t have to.

On the flip side Safari is pretty awesome other than those two deal breaking features. I may follow gthing’s route and hack Safari so I can quit firefox.

Power Management still has a ways to go

Wait, let me rephrase that power management is actually really good, lots of features that are easy to manage. The problem is that since switching to leopard I have the impression that my battery life has cut itself in half. I could be wrong and it could just be that my battery is getting old. I invite anyone reading this to give their input.

iChat is cool and sucks in all of the wrong ways

iChat has some really rad features, the video chat is off the hook and way beyond anything else I’ve ever used but iChat still sucks in all of the important ways. It keeps contacts from different services in different windows. So instead of having a single contact list with MSN, AIM and your jabber contacts all together it has seperate contact lists. This is supremely irritating.

Adium actually lets me merge contacts from different services. I have friends that use several chat clients and I can merge them all into one that is easy to manage. Awesome.

iChat also doesn’t support MSN chat which kills half my friends list right off the bat. Apple is in pretty close relations with microsoft these days, you’d think they could swing some support for the second most popular chat client out there (I assume it’s second to AIM).

For all of it’s frills iChat is still unsutible for everyday use

Changing icons is harder than ever!

In tiger changing most icons could be done by copy and pasting between info boxes. Not the best but not terrible, it didn’t work for the trash bin or the control panel but it still worked for drives and apps and folders. So, rather than building out the feature of changing icons, they stripped out the copy and paste way to easily change them. Now anyone that wants to change icons either has to dig around in system files to replace the icons with new ones and then delete the current system cache to get them to actually show up or buy Candybar.

Candybar is lame. Flame all you want but it’s still lame. It supports something that should be built into the OS already.

Digging around in system files is equally lame for something that should be such a simple task.

I still love Leopard

I still like Leopard and I have no temptation to downgrade back to Tiger. The system is faster, smoother, more responsive and seems more stable even. There have been a lot of great backend changes to increase usability and build out the OS but that doens’t mean there aren’t a few things I want changed.

There will always be things to fix.

OS X Leopard – Things Apple should fix
Posted Saturday, November 17, 2007

Naming Conventions

I just recently found out that I’m going to be an Uncle! I’m pretty excited. Actually, Im getting married and my betrothed has like 20 nephews and nieces so I guess I’ll be an uncle as many times over.

This got me thinking about people that have some sort of “Naming convention” for their kids. I know of a family with 11 children, 9 girls, two boys and they all have names that start with J. So Judy, Jan, Jenny, Jason, Jemima, etc.

That’s pretty cool I guess but I think it could be a lot better.

Naming your kids after childhood icons

For instance what if you named your kids after characters off of Masters of the Universe. You would have all these great names to choose from.

  • -He-Man
  • -Prince Adam
  • -She-Ra
  • -Princess Adora

I know that He-Man and Prince Adam are one and the same but what if you named the older brother He-Man and the younger brother “Prince Adam.” Then when the Prince got picked on for being named “Prince Adam” his big brother He-Man would come beat everyone up! AWESOME!

If you run out of names you can name the last kid Skeletor. Life would be great for that kid, no more wondering what or who to be for halloween, it’s just Skeletor, every year!

“Hey She-Ra, do you need help with your homework?”

Naming Conventions
Posted Thursday, November 8, 2007

Quicksilver icon stays on Dock Problem and Fix

A lot of people that have upgraded to leopard have had problems with quicksilver which stays on the dock/launch bar despite having unchecked the “show quicksilver in dock” checkbox.

It’s easy to fix, just update quicksilver to the latest version, if blacktree’s website is still down you can get it off of softpedia: here

Volia, no more broken quicksilver in Leopard!

For a list of other applications that have issues with Leopard and possible fixes look at softpedia’s list of broken apps

Quicksilver icon stays on Dock Problem and Fix
Posted Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Run for beer

Robynn was out in DC last week and she was enjoying a relaxing walk when she saw this running full speed in her direction:

Storm trooper in a red dress

Was it a kinky dream? Maybe someone had snuck into her room and read her diary to recreate her fantasy. But no, it was just a coincidence.

Run for beer

Apparently there is a charity fun run in DC every year called “Run for beer” where all the runners wear red dresses and somehow that raises money for charity while they drink beer. Awesome!

men and women alike

UPDATE: Robynn wrote in to point out that the Red Dress Run is actually not for charity. You can find their website here.

Run for beer
Posted Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Traveler named Greg

Update:I’ve included the only picture of Greg that I have. Enjoy

I once was standing in the streets of a city called Reims (pronounced Ran-ce) in the north east of France when I was confronted by the only American I didn’t know in the town. He was dressed in green like the green bums (that is, there were the green bums who had a lot of dogs were generally aged 18-24 and we something akin to rude hippies on most occasions).

Greg was really excited to talk to me because I spoke english he had a sign that his french girlfriend had made him before dumping him in the streets that said something like “Je suis coincé en France, une piece svp” (I’m stuck in france, a little money please). He asked me to translate it for him actually.

Greg told me stories

One of the coolest dudes I metAh yes, Greg went on and on and told me all kinds of great stories. Like the time he and his friends were abducted by a summer sales, energy vampire cult. He was with his girlfriend and his friend and whenever they tried to leave some cult girls (#4 on the hotness scale right after “girls in school girl out fits” and “passed out cheer leaders”) would come over and bring the single one back in. Luckily Greg was immune (he already had a girlfriend, a french one that would drop him on his ass in france several years later).

Greg had ideas

Great ideas in fact. He wanted to start a band that was theme based around the transformers. Of course, they would all have transforming costumes and he would ride out onto the stage on his skateboard and then transform from a box into the lead singer; then and he said this part was crucial to the whole thing they would play that sound that the transformers make when they…transform.

Greg had useful information

Greg mentioned the mind expanding power of hallucinogens. I mentioned that I had a friend who had recently quit shrooms because she started coughing up blood. He said that it was possible because shrooms gave people the power to bleed in addition to expanding their minds.

Greg accidentally desecrated Notre Dame de Reims

Like all green bums(see above) Greg had a dog. One day it fell ill and he wanted very badly for his dog to regain it’s strength. He prayed very hard but to no avail. He finally went to the Cathedral in Reims to seek a blessing.

Unfortunately for Greg they didn’t allow dogs and they wouldn’t bless one. So, desperate, he gathered his puppy up in his arms and ran past the priests straight to the center of the cathedral. There he put his dog on the altar and knelt down in prayer.

He admits that onlookers must have thought that he was praying to the dog but said, in his defense, that his dog did regain full health.

Greg had a plan

I don’t remember what it was but he was going to get back to america some how and stop living as a SDF (Sans domicile fixé – someone without domicile see: Bum). I told him to goto the US embassy and he said he had already done that but they wouldn’t let him take his dog so he’d have to come up with the money to send his dog home.

The last vestiges of Greg

Greg disappeared for a while. Every time I ran into a green bum I asked him where he was. Some were suspicious, others were helpful. The last person I talked to told me that Link (thats what the french bums called Greg) had left the country. I smiled and said “so he’s gone back to america?” and they smiled even broader and said “no, to Amsterdam”.

I wonder where Greg is now…

A Traveler named Greg
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2007