This week’s movie night was a success. As usual the night began with Dan and I, running around frantically getting together all the ingredients for this week’s meal that we were preparing for what we thought would be close to twenty people. Then as usual the calls began to come in… everyone canceling for one reason or another. Well with a few well placed phone calls and one risqué house call, we where able to pull together a decent group. Seventeen by my count, lets try and get a few more next week eh?
The shepherds’ pie was really good and we made plenty for everyone along with roles and juice drinks, we had cookies at the beginning but Ian seemed to have eaten them before anyone else made it. It was an easy recipe and cook time was under an hour and a half and we got everything for $22.59.
The Prestige is a movie that seems to befuddle everyone for the first time. I must say that the second time around was a very enjoyable experience. The beginning is riddled with clues to what’s going on and as Sara said “Once you know the trick it’s really quite simple.” The Prestige is the story of two magicians, whose intense rivalry pits them against each other on a life-long battle for supremacy, leading instead to a life full of obsession, deceit and jealousy, jeopardizing the lives of everyone around them. This story is well told and presented beautifully making for an enjoyable if a bit drawn out night at the movies. Costs for our admissions were a dollar a piece.
This week’s Movie Night with shepherds’ pie: $24.59 Minus the $2 from Movie Night donations….$22.59. Bang for our Buck: 4 Bangs
As Part of valentines day celebrations Krispy Kreme is giving away packets of free doughnut valentines with every dozen Krispy Kremes you buy. I just bought a couple dozen last saturday and am up to my armpits in free krispy kreme valentines.
I actually found out about this cool deal when one of my many girlfriends gave me one for valentines day. See for yourself
strange that my sexy female admirer has eerily similar handwriting to me.
Now I want to share the love, if you want some free Krispy Kremes let me know and I’ll give you a valentine. You can even tell your friends that it’s from this sexy devil.
The other night we went to the Shiny Toy Guns show up in Park City. They were playing for free as part of the Sundance Film Festival. It was beautiful, they blocked off main street and there were a few thousand people stuffed in the road crowded around the stage.
There were some rookie mistakes committed by most of us at this show which is why I’ve compiled this list of Rules for a concert.
There has been quite a bit of buzz around Nerdcore latley. For those of you who don’t already know what Nerdcore is, it’s basically geek rap. Guys rapping about their favorite star wars character or whatever else.
Guys like mc chris(this is also an example of what Nerdcore sounds like) have been featured in channels less nerdy than the internet. Aqua Teen Hunger Force had him on playing the part of MC Peepants.
So now there are some documentaries (Nerdcore Rising) on Nerdcore (Nerdcore for Life).
Anyway, there’s a lot of stuff about how MC Frontalot started Nerdcore. Of course he did coin the term but I think we should recognize some of the pre-Nerdcore rappers that were rapping about things nerds cared about before MC Frontalot gave it a name.
“Il y avait beaucoup de bouches qui parlent et fort peu de têtes qui pensent.”
“There were many mouths to talk and far and few between heads to think.”
–Les Miserables
I think this perfectly sums up the internet, the blogosphere and politics. Take a recent story on slashdot. The story is about a woman who entered a water drinking contest to win a nintendo Wii. Some people don’t know this but you can actually die from overdosing on water (and no, Hyperhydration it is not akin to drowning).
Simple enough but here is a comment from a slashdotter. Probably a troll. I actually dont have the source because the author removed it but basically he said that Nintendo should be held responsible because they created an artificial scarcity for the Wii to make more money and now someone is dead because of their marketing strategy.
If I have to explain to you everything wrong with that idea you probably shouldn’t be reading my blog.
BUT, feel free to stay 🙂 Everyone is welcome, please, bring your friends. Maybe just the cute one.
I often feel like my life is like a cartoon except life is less exciting and when I die I can only come back 3 times. Anyway, in honor of Katie Here is Gary and I both as South Park characters along with the real thing. See if you can tell which one is real and which one is the cartoon. These things are pretty realistic.
Pretty amazing eh? You can create your own. Join our animated doppelgänger army and together we can uhh…get replaced by our pod people clones.
One day every word in the english language with be trademarked and you will be sued for using the word without paying homage to the owner. I for one will buy the words “the” and “a” because you can’t have a sentence without them.
Eventually communication will become so expensive that people will make up new words, as in a new language. This will, however, only work for a short period of time until these words are also copywritten. Everyone will learn sign language until it becomes so popular that signs start to come under trademark. But don’t worry, a race of aliens will over run us shortly there after and force us to learn their language. A language for which we will pay out the [insert colorful metaphor here] to speak.
As in the custom in modern America the youthful video tapes have begun to role and the comedic video tapes have already started coming in. This video is just me, and I’m trying to snowboard without much success.
That shrill cry you hear at the end is not some sort of attempt to laugh its just the sound that comes out when my butt is liquefied.
The problem with Utah:
is that season passes are ridiculously expensive. For me to get a Brighton or Snowbird pass is $950 bucks and a park city pass is 500 bucks. To justify Snowbird or Bright I would have to ride there at least 20 times before the pass started to actually save me money.
Why Colorado is better than Utah:
In colorado ski resorts care about their customers. So they offer great packages. The biggest one is the 5-mountain pass. I know what you’re thinking, 5 mountain? Isn’t that a kind of ice cream. The answer is no.
Maybe you’re thinking “5 Mountains, that sounds expensive” and it could be but it isn’t. A season pass to Vail, Beaver Creek, Keystone, Breckenridge and A-Basin is a whopping 280 bucks. We’re not talking about some hole in the wall resorts, these are some of Colorado’s best. I defy anyone to prove that Utah is any better than Vail which happens to be the Habitat of sickness and the home of the Gnar.
That said I want to get a season pass but if I do I feel like I’m supporting the horrible greed machine out here that lets resorts get away with charging so much.
I’ve been thinking about getting back to France for a little while now. I’m looking at an English teaching assistant job. I thought that I could get in and do it for the fall semester and be back for christmas next year but that’s not an option. Here are the options: .
All of them start the first of October 2007 and go for at least 6 months. Here are the levels I’d be working with along with the end date:
Kids 8-11 – End:30 April 2008
Kids 8-11 – End:30 June 2008
Teens: 11-18 – End:30 April 2008
College: 21+ – End:31 Feb 2008
I’m debating whether or not I want to do this because it would effectively wipe out two semesters; which who knows whether or not I would be in school anyway. It’s not really in my hands.
I’d like to do the kids one because I would really enjoy that but it goes, at least, into april. The one I would least likely want to do is College but it ends in Feburary. At anyrate spring semester is out of the question.
There is also the question of a job, Sewelldirect has been awesome and I don’t see how I could have a better job anywhere else. I don’t know if they would let me leave and come back like that.
So, if I want to do this I need my application sent in by the 1st of January. Feel free to let me know what you think, that is why I’m posting this.