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Backup Cydia Apps – iPhone

I previously wrote a post on scripting the install of Cydia apps but I since found a much better way to handle the problem. Its a lot cleaner but it still doesn’t backup cydia apps data. Instead it creates a list of stuff thats been installed and makes it really easy to reinstall it all.

Step 1: Backup Cydia Apps

To do this we’re going to need to fire up the terminal and create a file to store our list. This can all be handled with one command.

dpkg --get-selections > myapps.txt

Putting this code into terminal will create a text file called “myapps.txt” which contains all the selections you’ve made in Cydia. Use an ftp client to save this file to your computer and you’re done.

Most people at this point are now going to upgrade their phone, etc.

Step 2: Restore Cydia Apps

Now you’ve got a fresh iphone with a fresh install of Cydia. You’ll need terminal and probably SSH installed first before you proceed. Once done upload your “myapps.txt”. Using terminal navigate to the directory containing that file and issue the following commands. Note: the $ at the beginning of each line is just the prompt and not part of the commands.

$dpkg --set-selections < myapps.txt
$apt-get -u dselect-upgrade
$rm /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installation.plist
$killall SpringBoard

You’re all done! If you want to understand what each command does then read on.

Backup Cydia Apps – iPhone
Posted Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April Fools Day Reminder

I made this desktop background in 5 minutes to help me remember that today is april fools day. Silly, I know, but maybe useful for some of you out there 🙂

April Fools Day

I just realized that if I were going to do a prank the easiest thing to do would be to change that link to rickroll or something but I don’t think I have the energy in me for any such prank.

April Fools Day Reminder
Posted Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Enable USB on the Apple Tv

This guide only applies to the original silver Apple TV and not to the newer, black model.

The AppleTV is sort of a piece of junk unless you hack it so if you intend to actually get any use out of your apple tv you better do it. Here is how you enable USB so that you can play media off of attached storage (novel concept eh!).

Note: This Tutorial assumes you’re using AppleTV TakeTwo or the latest update (3.0). If you’re not sure run Apple TV’s update before starting

Step 1: Hack your ATV

This is a pretty easy process, you can find instructions here. You don’t actually have to install Boxee but follow the instructions except instead of creating a boxee USB you can just select “SSH”. Great, now to enable USB

Step 2: Install NitoTV

There are lots of ways to enable USB, trust me this is the easiest. SSH onto your AppleTV, download NitoTV and install it. Heres the code:

Valencia:~ ronin$ ssh [email protected]
Welcome to the AppleTV (via atv-usbcreator)
[email protected]'s password:
-bash-2.05b$ wget http://nitosoft.com/nitoTVInstaller_tt.zip
-bash-2.05b$ unzip nitoTVInstaller_tt.zip
-bash-2.05b$ cd "nitoTV Take Three"/
-bash-2.05b$ sudo ./installme

This will install NitoTV and then restart your AppleTV’s finder, in other words you will have new options on your ATV menu.

Step 3: Prep for USB

Because the apple tv is purposely neutered you’ll need to snag the USB drivers from the 10.4.9 combo update. Heres the code

-bash-2.05b$ cd ~/Documents/
-bash-2.05b$ wget http://supportdownload.apple.com/download.info.apple.com/Apple_Support_Area/Apple_Software_Updates/Mac_OS_X/downloads/061-3165.20070313.iU8y4/MacOSXUpdCombo10.4.9Intel.dmg

Step 4: Install USB support

Great, now the combo update has been downloaded to the Documents folder. Go to your Apple TV menu and go NitoTV -> Settings -> Install Software -> Smart Installer

This will take a minute but when its done you can plugin USB drives and your Apple TV will recognize it. Volia!

If your Apple TV doens’t recognize your drive try restarting your appletv either by typing “sudo reboot” or unplugging and plugging in your ATV.

Enable USB on the Apple Tv
Posted Monday, March 9, 2009

9 – The Movie

Every once and a while I see something so amazing I just have to share it here. Tim Burton is producing a new film called “9” and the trailer has music from both The Knife and Coheed and Cambria. The trailer is also the coolest looking movie that I’ve seen for 2009. Check it out!

9 – The Movie
Posted Saturday, January 3, 2009

An Open Letter to Microsoft

Att: The people who decided WGA was necessary
Subject: Microsoft should not treat their consumers like criminals.

In matters of DRM and control one thing has been proven over and over again: You only hurt the ones you’re supposed to love.

The Story

A close acquaintance of mine, a 70 year old man, recently called me up because he had a problem with his computer. He turned it on one day and it told him that his copy of windows was not Genuine.

He is, as of this moment, unable to use that machine (luckily he has a Mac so he can get along). He didn’t “steal” a copy of windows. In fact he bought a copy of windows. It came with his computer. Of course, to you (Microsoft) he is probably a criminal so why shouldn’t his computer be rendered useless?

Obviously Windows tells my friend that he must reenter his key. Of course, almost every OEM license of Windows does not come with a readily available copy of the OS and key. So what are the alternatives? He can A) Call Microsoft (good luck with that) B) Call his manufacture who well send him “Restore CDs” that will whipe his data and force him to reinstall all of his programs or C) He can ask his friend who is aquatinted with these sorts of things to force Windows to behave like it’s supposed to.

The fact that Im writing this letter should tell you that the only real option is C. So here I am, having to clean up after your mistakes. All because you would rather assume that your clients are criminals rather than the people you should love and appreciate.

The cruel irony

The cruel irony of DRM is so silly that I wonder why people keep on trying. To pirates DRM and the Windows Activation thing are not problems. It does not bother them in the slightest. They dance around your silly anti-copying measures and laugh.

However to your client, the actual consumer who becomes the collateral damage of your war in error, these protections loom high and are impassable. In other words, the only people who end up having a hard time are the people that actually pay for your software!

A Modest Proposal: Steal Everything

Its simple, if you buy the software it will lock you out. If you download a cracked version and keep it that way you will be able to use your software unabated. Either way you’re considered to be a stealing criminal.

In closing, you sir (Microsoft) are disgusting. I have no idea how you can get away with treating your clients like criminals. It is absolutely deplorable that you have not learned from any of your mistakes and stopped with all of this nonsense. I will avoid your products like the plague and go with alternatives that do not consider me to be a criminal.

I’ve attached a simple diagram to help explain my article using pictures. This diagram is about music however it still applies to software.

Signed, Dan at todaywasawesome.com

An Open Letter to Microsoft
Posted Tuesday, December 30, 2008

WordPress needs a LTS version

What is an LTS version? It means “Long term support”. Basically its a version of software that the vendor commits to keeping secure and up to date but essentially freezes the functionality.

Why is a WordPress LTS important?

Well, some of us have developed some software that runs on WordPress or works with it and we depend on the present code base. New releases can break some functionality and if we’re managing say, 10 blogs for different people (therefore MU isn’t an option) it can be a big deal.

WordPress needs a LTS version
Posted Saturday, December 13, 2008

Updating with Hacked iPhone Apps


First off let me say that I do not actually have a hacked iphone, that violates the TOS and I would certainly never advertise that if I were violating said TOS. Respect your TOS.

The problem

The problem (Im told) is this, when you update your hacked iPhone to a new firmware you loose all your hacked applications! Of course iTunes doesn’t sync these apps and so unless you have luck creating a good hacked firmware package with pwnage tool you have no recourse but to manually go and re-install all of your hacked apps.

The solution

The solution is to write a simple script that will do all of that nasty hard work for us. If you want to just download mine you can skip to the end of the post. It should work on all types of iPhones regardless of the applications installed, even on business iphone units carried by international providers. If you want to learn how to customize your own read on.

Updating with Hacked iPhone Apps
Posted Monday, November 24, 2008

HDCP on Mac or Why you don’t need linux

As has been reported in numerous places the new Macs has an HDCP enabled display port. This means that if you want to watch a DRM protected movie on a separate display that display must have HDCP enabled.

Everyone grab your linux!

It appears as if everyone thinks that they need to go start using that linux they’ve heard so much about. Well guess what, the movies that won’t play on a separate display (non-HDCP) on your Mac (windows too btw) ALSO won’t play on a linux box period. That’s because videos that use DRM (ie itunes rentals etc) don’t have support under linux anyway.

Don’t get linux

Let me save everyone some time that thinks they need to start on the linux band wagon because because Apple is HDCP compliant. Don’t switch to Linux. If your only reason to switch to linux is because of this HDCP thing then you are in for a world of hurt. Linux is a pain in the ass to setup and if you don’t know enough to buy DRM free formats then when it comes time for you to do anything on your linux box you’re going to be SOL and have absolutely no clue how to use your computer.

As for windows users

It seems that every windows user that has commented on this issue said something to the effect of “Ha! I HATE MACS anywayz!1 I keep my windows!!” guess what, you guys have had HDCP control enabled ever since Vista came out. You were worse off than OS X BEFORE OS X.

The bottom line

Don’t buy stuff with DRM, you don’t need it. Think of it this way, if you buy something with DRM you are only renting it. If it has DRM you do not own it.

HDCP on Mac or Why you don’t need linux
Posted Friday, November 21, 2008

Kodos ’08 – Happy Voting

Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos!Thats kange I can believe in!
Kodos! Kange you can believe in!

Kodos ’08 – Happy Voting
Posted Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Convert outlook templates to mail.app

Microsoft was nice enough not to store anything that they do in an open format which leaves us with the huge pain of converting their crap to work on our systems. Mail’s templates are pretty bad but at least its just html and you can easily put it into any mail application. Here’s what you need:

  • Outlook
  • Microsoft office
  • Office application for Mac
  • Mail (OS X)

Starting with the oft file

The oft file format is what outlook uses to store templates. Basically it’s html by Microsoft! If you open it and look at it using a plain text viewer you’ll see jibberish and snippets of html and content mixed in. Great, so now you have your proprietary and disgusting template from outlook, open it using outlook. Now select everything in that email and copy it. Open off office and paste it in.

Pasting into office

If after copying and pasting directly from the outlook window into office if the format changes then I’m sorry, you have no hope. If it did past in correctly congratulations! Save it as a .doc or .docx whatever works for you and whatever you can open on your mac office application

More copy and paste

Now goto your Mac and open up the doc you created from the oft file. Select all, copy and paste it into a mail window. Congrats! You have put a oft file into mail.

Automatically converting a bunch of oft files

I don’t know of any way to automatically convert multiple oft files. If I did I probably wouldn’t be in such a bad mood.

Convert outlook templates to mail.app
Posted Monday, September 22, 2008