Road Rage: Search for a cure
How do you cure road rage?:
If you would have asked me earlier I would have described the horrific process of planned, murderous, rampages. Unfortunately there will always be more stupid drivers. The thing is, not every I see that is driving poorly is a bad driver. They might be a good driver having a fluke, off-day. Slaughtering these poor saps wouldn’t really be fair. I’d have to follow them around for a few days to try to get a solid sampling of their performance before dealing out execution.
I was taking a solid look at my life realizing that the most stressful part of my day is driving. I go nuts trying to get around people that are going 5 under, or people that are sitting in the fast lane for no apparent reason. Then there are all the people trying to kill me by doing things like, running stop signs, assuming I have a stop sign when I do not, pulling out in front of me for no reason, turning in front of me when I’m 10 feet away or even by pulling over to the side of the road and waiting till I’m about to pass you to try to flip a U-turn. All of these things have happened to me within the last month or two and something has to change.
Since murder is clearly out, I have another solution in the form of an experiment.
The Great Driving Experiment:
I got to thinking about this big source of stress in my life was trying to think of ways around it. I decided to preform and experiment for the next 2 weeks. I started this morning and will continue at least to the 15th of March. During these two weeks rather than trying to drive around the idiots I’ll just drive with them. Here are the rules:
Road Rage: Search for a cure