Road Rage: The cure – Follow up
Many of you saw my recent post on Road Rage. The thought was that by voluntarily submitting my self to things that normally made me angry I would be able to avoid the stress associated with driving.
During my 15 day trial period I only had a single instance of road rage that mostly caused by external stresses. Compare that before when I had daily, even hourly road rage. I was so mad about driving I’d be road raging while sitting at my desk at work. Now that the 15 day trial is over I’ve let the rules go but the lessons and principles learned remain the same. It helped get a better attitude about driving and traffic in general. The most amazing thing about it is that not only do I stress a lot less while driving but I have more patience in other areas of my life. I don’t know if it’s a philosophy thing or what but I’m a lot more relaxed now than I was last month. Readjusting:
Since I’ve released my self from the rules I’m trying to find a happy medium between the two extremes of driving, that is “driving super-aggressive, crazy fast” and “going with the flow”. My new style tends to lean more towards the latter than the former.